Tuesday, January 15, 2013

List of Open Source Java Projects/Libraries

I added these from different blogs and journels.These are added for future references and with the intention to group them in one place. If you know any such projects please let me know.

1) Below are the Stress test tools Other than JMeter.
  •     a) Grinder can be other option. Read a brief comparison here -   http://www.vedantatree.com/2012/05/which- is-best-free-load-testing-tool.html 
  • b) BadBoy for this and was quite happy with the results. Check its licensing terms to see whether you qualify for free usage.           http://www.badboysoftware.biz/docs/loadtesting.htm          Selenium would work just like BadBoy. you can even export the recorded Selenium sessions as JUnit to be run headless in JMeter afterwards. How cool is that :) 
  • LoadUI to see what it can do you as well      http://www.loadui.org/  Go through some video tutorial to find out what is capable of  http://www.loadui.org/Getting-Started-with-loadUI/videos.html 
  •  TestMaker. From what I read, it looks worth a try... http://www.pushtotest.com/products.html             By the way: it extends Selenium.
  • Gatling  ( http://gatling-tool.org )
  • For web page performance you can use, PageSpeed, Speed Tracer (both by Google) and YSlow.
2)  http://flywaydb.org/
     The agile database migration framework for Java

3)  JFreeCharts for charting. http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/

4)  Speaking about databases: SchemaSpy (with SchemaSpyGUI) - extracts DB dictionary,
      constraints,   whatever, in a nice graphical way. And free.

5) Mockito (http://code.google.com/p/mockito/), it is not possible to develop without it:
   "Mockito is a mocking framework that tastes really good."

6) http://code.google.com/p/rest-assured/

7) http://sphinxsearch.com

8) To validate JSON: http://jsonlint.com/

9) I came across html5 http://www.websocket.org/ for client server communication.
    Javascript client   opens a websocket on the server and it works like a tcp socket.

10) Jodd --- Jodd is generic purpose open-source Java utility library. It enriches JDK with
       many  powerful   and feature rich utilities. Jodd helps with everyday task,  makes code
       more robust and reliable. Special attention is put into creating reusable and
      fastest possible code and still keeping it compact, under 570 KB.
      Current version 3.3.7
      License - BSD

11) iText, Apache POI, Apache FOP (libraries for manipulating documents)
      - Sitemesh, Apache Tiles (web pages layout)

12) Project Lombok - Simplifies few typical tasks that can be very annoying at times.
       Must have for those  not using Roo.
      Website - http://projectlombok.org
      Version - 0.11.4
      License - MIT

13) Joda Time has saved me once when I ran into the many issues of java.util.Date,
       so I decided to stick with it from that moment on. And since JSR 310 might as well never
        come to life   (here we go, standards), there's no better choice than Joda Time.
      This application helps to do some precise date time calculation.

14) For report generation I used Jasper reports. It is a very good one.
       It has been integrated in one of our products.

15) Thymeleaf
       "Thymeleaf is a Java library. It is an XML / XHTML / HTML5 template engine
      (extensible to other  formats) that can work both in web and non-web environments.
      It is better suited for serving XHTML/HTML5 at the view layer of web applications, but
      it can  process any XML file even in offline environments. It provides an optional module
      for  integration with Spring MVC, so that you can use it as a complete substitute of JSP
      in your  applications made with this technology, even with HTML5.
            The main goal of  Thymeleaf is to provide an elegant and well-formed way of
     creating templates. Its Standard and  SpringStandard dialects allow you to
     create powerful natural templates, that can be correctly displayed by browsers and therefore
     work also  as static  prototypes. You can also extend Thymeleaf
     by developing your own  dialects.  http://www.thymeleaf.org     Apache 2.0

16) Jackcess, a pure Java library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases.

17) Generic class mapper to solve problem of parallel class hierarchy and object transformations
       Enti ty/DTO/VO/Etc http://sourceforge.net/projects/geda-genericdto/

18) Scheduler java task like in Cron.

19) I have got a lot of benefits from my Java preprocessor :) because I spent a lot of years
        for mobile development and it saved a lot of my time and a lot of lines of code
        (also I was told by  many other programmers that my tool was useful for them too)

20) Google Guava
      This is a library of things that most of us tend to write again and again. Only it is really
      well  thought  out. The string matcher and splitter are two of the best takes on string
       manipulation that I have ever used. The collections classes for filtering are the best thing
      this side of Clojure. http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/

21) Event Bus

22) Gson library, if you are working with JSON.
      It helps you to convert Json to Object and Object to Json.
      License : Apache License 2.0

23) Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs Java Release 1.47

24) JSoup 1.7.1  (Java HTML Parser)
      MIT License

25) http://flywaydb.org/
      The agile database migration framework for Java

26) Twitter Bootstrap which is becoming the de facto CSS framework. Many developers love
       it because it allows to make an acceptable design for a website with little effort.

27) "XWiki" very sexy WEB platform with LDAP/AD integration, works with most of database,
         multi-lingual able, Webdav and REST API, extendable .

28) Jasmine for testing javascript, http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/. We can use FTL(Freemarker Template Language--http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/docs/index.html) with any javascript api, like jquery etc

29)What are the framework, toolkit, extentions, libraries available for plotting graphs in various forms in Java. JS tool http://www.highcharts.com/ 

IDE which runs in your browser
GutHub for this:
And put up a showcase to get an impression of where the thing is going:
Group to discuss the possibilities

31) Commerical Tool but worth to know. Very few such tools available for testing java concurrency code.

Contemplate, an Edinburgh University spin-out company, has developed an advanced static analysis tool, ThreadSafe, that may be of interest to readers of concurrency-interest.  ThreadSafe specifically targets Java concurrency defects and includes some dedicated treatment for java.util.concurrent.  It handles enterprise-scale Java codebases and includes tight integration with Eclipse.

ThreadSafe is in an early stage - currently we are on version 1.1 - but it is already in use finding serious concurrency defects in projects at a couple of large investment banks.  You can get an impression of what it does from the very simple example in


OpenXava 4.7 released: Rapid Java Web Development

OpenXava is a Java Framework for Rapid Development of AJAX Web Applications, well-suited for business and database oriented applications. 
How does it work? Simple, write simple JPA entities with Java or Groovy, and get an AJAX application ready for production. 

OpenXava 4.7 has many interesting features such as storing generated reports, Liferay 6.1 support, WebSphere Portal 8 support and many more things.
Look at the original announcement:

I invite you to visit OpenXava site to have a look at the demos:http://www.openxava.org/

33) convert JSON to Map and vice versa
code from http://jiangzhengjun.iteye.com/blog/467334 which will convert your json string into map, list... This uses json library from http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/ .

34) JSON  (These are good JSON tools)
Jackson's streaming library is blazingly fast; consumes not much memory
Jackson: it has (had?) some bugs when using mixins and inheritation. I can't remember the details (it's been a few months since I struggled with the problem),
but if I recall correctly, the mixins could be extended, but if the class under serialization was part of inherited class structure,
Jackson left some properties out of serialization...
Jackson and its good.I am using Jackson 2.0 which now they call FasterXML. Also, pls do consider the transformation time from POJO to JSON.
In my case it was taking 15 ms but it depends on the amount of data that you are transforming.
Jackson's library was for me the best one, as usability and performances.
I really reccomend it. The wiki is very good. I leave here the project's link as help http://jackson.codehaus.org

Both these are very good .

35) Java Performance metric collection or monitoring
1) http://www.centreon.com/Content-Products-IT-network-monitoring/nagios
2) use nmon to capture server CPU, Memory, I/O stat etc.

    nmon analyzer to prepare various report as well 
3) Jconsole & JvisualVM 
4) Zabbix to monitor our server, workstation and network


Leshy - Java Serialization/Deserialization Framework

Leshy: http://serkan-ozal.github.io/leshy/

Leshy is a framework for replacing default Java serialization with your custom implementation on the fly without any code change in your application by using Java Instrumentation API.
Jillegal (https://github.com/serkan-ozal/jillegal) is a library including unknown tricks of Java. It abstracts developer from low-level details to implement those tricks. Its design and logic are based on Java 8 so it can be used at only Java 8 platform. Java 6 and Java 7 supports are in progress and as soon as possible they will be released. Demo application is avaiable at https://github.com/serkan-ozal/jillegal-demo.

Design and logic of Jillegal OffHeap module different from all of the other offheap frameworks. It doesn't serilalize/deserialize objects to/from allocated offheap memory region. Becuase objects already lives on offheap and GC doesn't track them :). With this feature, all objects in pool are exist as sequential at memory, so sequential accessing to them is faster. Because, they will be fetched to CPU cache together as limited size of CPU cache.

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